
Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 1, 2018
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New England
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My training partner Rick and I regularly train with some very talented retriever gun dogs. As well, we often get to work with pups of exceptional breeding from outstanding bloodlines. It is always particularly nice when we get to work with pups that have not been indoctrinated with dysfunctional habits at the hands of their well meaning human counterparts. Such a pup is like a blank canvas to the artist, it waits to be painted into a masterwork.


TURBO ~ Rick is seen here with his 5 month old pup TURBO. As Rick prepares to make a hand thro of a single training bumper onto the water, young TURBO is clearly intensely focused. We use these early retrieves to motivate the pup whilst building confidence, entrenching a love for the learning process, and developing fundamentals that will be the building blocks of more and more complex concepts that the successful trainee will need to learn. TURBO is tethered to a long check cord for his safety, and so that Rick can apply specific control techniques to guide TURBO into executing the retrieve within desired parameters. Visual marking and tracking of the birds flight and subsequent fall to the water are extremely important skills for the pup to develop early on. Additionally, we start the steadying process to assure that the pup will not leave the handler's side until sent on command.


THE SEND ~ Turbo has been released by verbal command to make the retrieve and the eager young pup is on his way with a dynamic entry into the water. Rick will allow slack line of the long check cord to trail Turbo all the way to his pick up of the training bird and will reel in the line between himself and Turbo as he returns with the bird. This will help assure that young Turbo returns to his handler / trainer as is desired.


TURBOCHARGED ~ As once can easily see, Turbo is nearly fearless and has bird drive surgeon through his veins. Here Turbo is seen catching some big air as he launches from the bank to make a water retrieve.


THE GRAB ~ Young Turbo swirls into position to gain maximum advantage in the water as he makes the pick up of the training bird. He will now turn 180 degrees to make the long swim back to join his handler / trainer Rick on shore where he will learn to relinquish the retrieved bird to Rick upon issue of the verbal command "GIVE".

Wee Turbo had a grand training session in the water today and it was most satisfying for Rick and myself to watch the lad seemingly gaining more self confidence with each retrieve he completed. This pup demonstrates outstanding focus and drive very early on in his training, that speaks of the possibility of incredible potential to be unleashed. I love these wonderful sporting dogs and the process of honing them into competent gun dogs and K9 hunt test athletes.



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