"Virgin Annunciation" Street reproduction


TPF Noob!
Oct 30, 2008
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This guy was reproducing "The Virgin Annunciation" by Antonello da Messina (with pastels) here in Florence and I couldn't resist taking a photo. As you can tell I had some fun editing and I'm quite sure I went overboard but I kind of like it like this. Let me know what you think, should I take a few steps back...or maybe a giant leap?


are you really color blind??
Its a neat shot. I would like to see the color part desaturated or the b&w slightly coloroed so it isnt so much screaming "selective coloring"
amazing i really like this nice work
Thanks Key!
are you really color blind??
Its a neat shot. I would like to see the color part desaturated or the b&w slightly coloroed so it isnt so much screaming "selective coloring"
Thanks eyeye as soon as I have some time I'll desaturate the artist a bit and post the result.... and yes I am colorbling (missing some reds and greens) I often confuse various shades of similar colours.
Really nice shot. The only thing bugging me is that his face is unsharp.

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