Waste Paper Basket

Fred von den Berg

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May 27, 2016
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waste paper basket - 1.jpg
Soon, shots like this will only be in digital archives somewhere, our local newspaper is only about four pages now. Nice shot.
Seeing five or more people seated, and reading paper objects( newspapers, books, or whatever )has become extremely rare in this day and age. Where people are seated and waiting usually we expect to see One, two, three, four, or five cellular telephones…
I like the newspapers, cool shot

Thanks, Edsland.

Soon, shots like this will only be in digital archives somewhere, our local newspaper is only about four pages now. Nice shot.

Thanks, Jeff. Yes, this paper (Augsburger Allgemeine) still has a good readership but the news which isn't local stuff is recycled from other, more serious publications: take that out and it would be struggling.

Thanks, Otherprof.

Great catch.

Thanks, Dean.

Seeing five or more people seated, and reading paper objects( newspapers, books, or whatever )has become extremely rare in this day and age. Where people are seated and waiting usually we expect to see One, two, three, four, or five cellular telephones…

That's right, Derrel: sad but oh so true.

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