? Watching Billions, The Americans, Homeland, Call Saul..


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May 9, 2012
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Our son has gotten into most of these and now we are hooked. Any others watching and have comments on them.
I enjoy 'Billions' with the Homeland character of Brody..and of course the storyline!
'Homeland' has been amazing since Season 1 and can get through any slow times..
'Better Call Saul' is a good pre-quel and enjoy the Saul character and the others being introduced . I can live with the 'laying the groundwork' for the show.
'The Americans ' might be the bottom of the 4 but still very intriguing and am watching as soon as it comes out each week.

At night I sometimes play the YouTiube of Breaking Bad montage to the Baby Blue music. THAT was a great show and montage!!!

Just watched the movie 'Ms. Sloane' ...excellent movie about. D.C. Lobbyist...excellent but watch it with attention, not just passing through the room...
I enjoyed the heck out of Better Call Saul. I watched it last year with great interest. I'm currently watching the very-newest episodes of The Americans, a show about a pair of deep-cover Soviet 1980's-era spies that pretend to be married American travel agents in the USA...love The Americans! LOVE the 1980's era touches! I grew up in that era.

I'm also watching Designated Survivor, a new Keifer Southerland vehicle...very enjoyable show.

Oddly enough, I watched Ms. Sloane about a week ago. Earlier this week, I enjoyed Why Him, a great James Franco and Brian Cranston movie. Funny stuff!
YES...def. need to watch the pilot episode and get the right framework set up in your mind. The first few episodes are I think, critical to the character development that makes you identify with the cast of characters in later episodes. It's up to Episode 14 right now.
I tried to watch the iron fist, part of the marvel series on Netflix.. oh my what a steamy pile! Just started the second season of better call Saul, great show

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