Water Marks & Logos?


TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Ok If I was to have a file with about 20 or so edited photographs that I wanted to add a Water mark or a logo to is there a way to add it to all of them at the same time. I thought I saw something one time that said how to do this. I am stuck doing each shot and saving it as the printable shot then going back and adding my name to each one. I could be wrong but is there a faster better way to do this?

Thanks and I have googled this and found not much!
hehehehehehehehehehehehe I need to go to GOOGLE SCHOOL>

I did find stuff but I did not know what was useful or not. I have downloaded tons of stuff that I found on Google but most are crap or confusing as hell to use... so I was hoping some one could shorten the list for me like you did! Thanks I will have to check this out!
what about a Mac? What program would be good for a Mac? I would be wanting to put my logo on all my pictures as soon as they get edited and fixed a little.
If you have Adobe bridge, you can click on the "Output" tab and there is a section to add a watermark and choose font and everything.
If you have Adobe bridge, you can click on the "Output" tab and there is a section to add a watermark and choose font and everything.

I tried that and all that I could do was to create a pdf with the watermark text below the photo. Can you give me some "dumbed down" instructions?
Just make an Action in Photoshop.

Create one watermark while you have the Action Recorder running. Save the action, open a new image and hit the play button. Boom. Instant watermark reproduction.

It's how I do mine. I finish the image editing and hit play, my Action creates the frame and places my logo automatically for me.

dude I am going to have to check that out! sounds cool as hell but I have never heard of anything like it. That will be the first thing I do when I get home from work!
In tempus, thats pretty clean looking. What tool or menu did you use to add that frame with the drop shadow and everything?
For Mac, I use Jet Photo Studio for adding watermarks and reducing for web presentation. It will reduce and add watermarks in a batch... fairly easy to use.

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