Website Comparison - C&C required


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey Everyone,

I've had my website running for the last 2 years and i was personally quite pleased with it.

However, during my last week off, i tried fiddling and researching on other options, just for a change. (I'd gotten bored of the current one)

So i started working on a second website, i've used wordpress, but i do know a little coding from when i ran my own startup, so i used my little knowledge to customize the new website.

What i need from you guys its an honest feedback, what works and what doesnt.

My old website is at:

The new one (Not yet completed uploading all my work) is at:

Do let me know what you think!

Hiten Nainaney
Your portfolio doesn't autoadjust for width, might cause issues for people with smaller screens. I'm on a 24" widescreen and I have to scroll over to see all the albums. Looks nice otherwise!
Your portfolio doesn't autoadjust for width, might cause issues for people with smaller screens. I'm on a 24" widescreen and I have to scroll over to see all the albums. Looks nice otherwise!

Thanks for pointing that out !

Is this the newer one or the old one ?
Sure thing, the newer one.

Go to Automotive ? Project Types ? Hiten Nainaney Photography on a regular screen and you'll need to scroll, same with the other subsections of your portfolio. It's not a huge deal, but in today's world of the wonderful internet; if your page doesn't auto-adjust, it's not up to speed.

People are 100% accustomed to scrolling down now, not over. Perhaps look into a parallax setup.

I love your work by the way, I go back to your photos quite often.

Best of luck!
Sure thing, the newer one.

Go to Automotive ? Project Types ? Hiten Nainaney Photography on a regular screen and you'll need to scroll, same with the other subsections of your portfolio. It's not a huge deal, but in today's world of the wonderful internet; if your page doesn't auto-adjust, it's not up to speed.

People are 100% accustomed to scrolling down now, not over. Perhaps look into a parallax setup.

I love your work by the way, I go back to your photos quite often.

Best of luck!

Thanks for that tip mate, I'll look into modifying the css for auto-adjusment.

And thanks, i do as much as i can to learn :)

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