Weekly challenge 6/26 - 7/2 Prime Time!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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In honor of my new (to me) prime lens (23mm 1.4), this week’s challenge is to use prime lenses to take photos that make best use of their focal length. Work to frame out any distractions in the background by changing the angle or the exposure or the depth of field. Find subjects that fit your frame or shoot with the deliberate intention of cropping. If you don’t have a prime, use your zoom at either the widest or longest extreme only - try a bit of both but decide before hand which focal length you’ll use for your subject then make it work. Any subject, color or b&w. Please list your lens and settings with your photos.

As always, new photos only for the challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

TriX, 50 and 100, eos 1, 430ex today. Crap weather. Camera condom
Super Takumar 135mm 1:3.5 1/250 sec (windy) ISO 100 f3.5 minimum focus distance of 5ft. no crop.


a promise of raspberries
So much for that. Shot 2 rolls and freshly mixed, new bag of d76 developer. I think I mixed up the containers and poured the fixer in first... crap, I never have done that. Total fail
So much for that. Shot 2 rolls and freshly mixed, new bag of d76 developer. I think I mixed up the containers and poured the fixer in first... crap, I never have done that. Total fail
Ouch!! Must admit this has happened to me more than once...
Waybackwhen, my favorite lens was the SMC Macro Takumar 100mm 1:4. The thing lived on my Spotmatic. Even though it's a bit long for the 1.4x crop sensor on the KS2, I still like to shoot it once in a while. All at f11, minor crops on the first and third.


shade is anywhere you can find it


wife's fairy garden detail


and what it does best.
At the risk of getting booted off the island, again, I took a slightly different approach. I have four primes: 14, 50, 85, and 300. So I shot the same scene with each using exactly the same settings and the lowest common f stop: f 4.

There might be a decent image in there somewhere but it is not at any of those focal lengths. It just goes to show how it is worth it to pay up for good zoom lenses.

These are straight out of camera, Canon 6D Mark II (full frame).




Bel Air sml 3136.jpeg

Retro Coffee Shop: Sigma 17-50 @ 50 (80mm FFE), 1/20, f/3.2, ISO 100. Not sure what I have to do to get the photo to show up in the post. I'm new to TPF. Edit: I figured it out.
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