What was your best photographic accompishment in 2011?

Mine would be simply BUYING a camera. After years of wanting I was finally able to afford one. Boy is this whole photography thing a slippery slope...
To: kamerageek

I know where you are coming from. I have a relative that I email some of my photos to every once in a while and she shows them off at work on break time and a few of her coworker have asked where she got them saying if they were her's they wanted copies.
Hmmm... My "best" photographic accomplishment of 2011... Man, that's hard to pinpoint.

I think probably moving into my new live/work studio loft at the end of September was the "best" accomplishment for my photography overall this year. I just love this big open space I'm in now. It's really been a boost for me, getting my gear in a place where I don't have to constantly break it down and store it out of the way. No more clearing furniture out of the way and then putting it back later. No more garages or shooting through doorways from one room into the next to get enough distance between camera, subject and background. That's really given me the most satisfaction and freedom, and opened up a lot more time and creative possibilites for me. The studio area itself is 30'L x 16'W x 14'H and it's working out really well. The rest of the space for bedroom, kitchen, bath, working area/desk and another room I'm not even using yet more than doubles that floor space.

Beyond that, I had a real nice gear-gasm this year, adding some pieces I've been wanting for quite a while, made some nice sales on prints and usage rights, produced several photos that I'm particularly happy with, and had a lot of fun in the process. :thumbup::D
To: kamerageek

I know where you are coming from. I have a relative that I email some of my photos to every once in a while and she shows them off at work on break time and a few of her coworker have asked where she got them saying if they were her's they wanted copies.

People reacting to your efforts in this way makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Hmmm... I think I made much more progress this year than 2010. 2010 I was learning the fundamentals, the technicals, the how-to's and how-not-to's, processing basics. This year I feel like I've focused more on the art and getting deeper into composition.

I think my greatest achievement happened just a few days ago... my father-in-law, completely unsolicited, asked for a print of one of my landscapes for him to hang in his office as a Christmas present. I've never had anyone ask for a print of one of my landscapes before. It was exciting to know that at least one person truly enjoys at least one of my photos enough to put it on their wall. To me, that is HUGE.

I also got my hummingbird shot used on-air but I work here so it wasn't that big of a deal....
Buying a camera and noticing how I'm starting to see things in the world quite differently as I compose and take more and more pictures.
I am an amatuer. I had someone ask to purchase a print of one of my photos as a gift. That was a good feeling for someone who is striving to improve. BTW, I gave her the print.
After more than 30 years of enjoying photography as a hobby, 2011 is the year I took the plunge into what I would call "serious hobbyist." After abandoning my film SLR several years ago for Canon powershot p & s cameras, and then for the last 3 years lusting after a DSLR but not being able to "afford" it, in 2011, I adopted Nike's slogan and I Just Did It. Bought my first DSLR.

Also had my first "cover" photo, a picture I took (with my point and shoot, actually) that was on the cover of a national trade magazine.

Had my first portrait photo shoot. In over 30 years of photography, I've always avoided doing portraits like they were the plague. This year, I decided to learn how to do portrait photography. Whether it's something I end up doing on a professional level or not (probably not!), I want to at least be more confident of my ability to take really good photos of friends and family, and groups at our women's ministry or youth events, without just ending up with mediocre snapshots. Plus, I think learning portrait photography helps my overall photography skills as well.

Started really learning how to use Photoshop. I've "used" it for years, but never really even knew how to mask things. Just used it for the basic image adjustments. This year, I've taken a class in using it and explored it on my own enough to really step up my abilities. Still much to learn, and hope to add Lightroom in 2012.

So, all in all, I'd say that 2011 was the year I quit just "wishing" I had better photography gear and skills and started doing something about it! And got quite a bit of validation in the process.
I would say my two biggest accomplishments for this year (and I just started taking pictures in September!) is making the front page for two of my images, and making several others in the sports section. Also, shooting two UIL state championships at Cowboy's stadium was nice. :)
Getting into the studio and setting all the lighting configurations on my own, bringing in a MUA and learning how to shoot an artistic nude. This led to the realization that all the progress I've made taught me how much I still have to learn. I'm now educated enough to know I have a long ways to go. LOL
I'm an amateur, but it made my day when friends asked me to take their family Christmas portraits for them and they loved the shots. Small accomplishment but it made me happy.
Going from hobby to business....and recently (finally!) making my own website. And balancing photography and grad school.

Congratulations to everyone else on their accomplishments!
Hmmm... My "best" photographic accomplishment of 2011... Man, that's hard to pinpoint

Lucky you :D

Mine are easy to come up with.

1/ I'm proud of a photo workshop I launched in a "problem" suburb. Not only do we have a bunch of kids shooting but, thanks to a deal we made with a "gang," we haven't yet been broken into...

2/ the sale of my studio.

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