Which camera to buy


TPF Noob!
Jul 16, 2007
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I have two questions.
First, I am hobbyist photographer intending to go bit seriously, but surely not with an intension to go professionally.
I have used Canon EOS300 (Film), S50 and S80. Now wish to buy a entry level digital SLR. Obvious choices are Canon XTi (400D) or Nikon D40X, both with almost identical features and sale price (Nikon Taiwan made).
Second, Here in Dubai, Middle East it is jungle of buildings and desert. Not much natural sceneries to shoot. No greenery, no river or waterfalls.
Do you think that in this situation one has scope to do interesting photography ?
Out of those 2 Choices I personally would go for the 400D. The D40X has been stripped of many features including the internal auto focus motor, Thus making you either use Manual Focus or buying lenses with Auto focus motors built in.
Ketan.......Buy the 400D it is a good investment in a camera body. Buy the best lenses you can afford.

Now....there is something interesting to shoot, no matter where you live on this planet. Out in the desert, there is plenty to shoot, you just have to get attuned to the environment. Cities have thousands of opportunities, from people shots to architecture.

Try it, you'll like it.
There is definitely interesting things to shoot almost anywhere you are.

I would also go with the 400D (XTi) because of the internal AF motor thing mentioned already.

I have a 350D (Rebel XT) and it might be a cheaper alternative if you want to check that out.
I am biased. I am a Nikon user and have been all my life. I say this so you understand exactly what I am saying when I say buy the Canon. You have a Canon already so you will have pretty much no learning curve, maybe even a collection of lenses?! The 400D is also a better camera than the D40x.

And what maddermax says carries a lot of weight. A large portion of Nikon's current lens lineup still has no autofocus motor. Many essential lenses like a 50mm f/1.8 will not auto focus on the D40x. Also manual focusing on modern SLRs is damn near impossible with the small dark viewfinders.
I shoot with a Canon EOS-350D, if you can splurge I'd go with the Pentax K10D, it is a little bit more but a way better SLR. You'll find the colours much richer which if the colours are similiar (ie lots of sand) might make your photos standout more despite the lack of lush colours.

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