White Egret in Flight


TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2012
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Both are the same bird about 2 seconds apart.



I like the translucency of the wings in the second shot but feel the focus on his eye is a bit too soft. Both were shot at F:/4.8 - 1/2500 - ISO 200
Second shot is great, sharpness aside. The wing is kind of the focal point here anyway and that looks sharp to me. The first is good technically but it lacks that something extra that #2 has.
Nice shots Ceeboy, sometimes you have to stop down with large birds to get them all in focus...
I really like that second one where you can see the structure of the wing because of the backlighting. That's pretty cool looking.
Always my dilemma is how far can I afford to stop down and not lose the action stopping..yeah, I know, a good pan will do it everytime...maybe when I get a better handle on handling this lens. Thanks for the comments.
well if you want the head of an egret in flight in focus the only option is stop down. no way your going to hit focus on the head in flight

also what lens are you using
well if you want the head of an egret in flight in focus the only option is stop down. no way your going to hit focus on the head in flight

also what lens are you using
70-200 2.8 with 1.7 teleconverter. I know I have to stop down...I am taking this in small steps so I can get to your point one day...well, probably not with this lens, but it'll get me a heck of a lot closer than I was.

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