Yet another Noob!


TPF Noob!
Jun 22, 2011
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Hi guys,

Have been interested in photography as a hobby for a while, and finally seem to have got to grips with my DSLR to get photos to look how I envision them in my head (let's face it, with digital I can take enough pictures that at least ONE of them has to be ok!!). Have not done any darkroom stuff since having a pinhole camera as a kid, but am now interested in doing some printing of my own, particularly liking the slightly surreal quality lith printing can achieve, and am keen to give it a go. I will be getting a film SLR (yet another, more expensive set of skills to learn!) but in the mean time, am trying to figure out/gain advice on, a way of producing workable negatives/transparencies from my digital files to enlarge and lith print from.

thanks to all who post here, and share their expansive knowledge with us mere mortals!
Welcome aboard!!!!
Beat you Mike......=)

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