The Coffee House

Mother Nature with her cold/warm/cold/hot/cold flashes is confusing the plant life just noticed our Christmas Cactus is blooming again.

My Christmas cactus is blooming right now as well. I didn't get any blooms at Christmas time though. I put it in a cool dark room for a month then put it in a sunny window and gave it some food and it bloomed.
My Christmas Cactus is about ready to bloom again. Two buds on it right now. Several "leaves" got knocked off another one, and they are in pots right now. Hoping to propagate them. I dipped them in rooting powder and then buried the bottom inch in soil.
My Christmas cactus is blooming right now as well. I didn't get any blooms at Christmas time though. I put it in a cool dark room for a month then put it in a sunny window and gave it some food and it bloomed.

We have two story floor to ceiling windows, one corner of which DW has taken over for plants (she calls it her green house). We've had this cactus for two seasons now, never moved from its spott. Last year it bloomed at Christmas on time, nothing after. This year it bloomed profusely over Christmas and is now once again loading up with buds.
We have two story floor to ceiling windows, one corner of which DW has taken over for plants (she calls it her green house). We've had this cactus for two seasons now, never moved from its spott. Last year it bloomed at Christmas on time, nothing after. This year it bloomed profusely over Christmas and is now once again loading up with buds.

Obviously it is happy in that spot and can never, ever be moved.
One of MLW's bloomed a few weeks ago; number two didn't.

Long day. Errands, loaded tractor and equipment, loaded truck with tools/supplies, tomorrow headed to lake for major last push on final touches to our property. If all goes well this will be the last trip for heavy equipment. The end is in sight. Have a multi rig group of friends coming in next month for a 4 day weekend of camping, relaxing, food and fishing.
Why the cone?
Keep them from scratching and making it worse.

@SquarePeg poor thing, any chance you could use one of the inflatable collars? Those cones are horrible for both pet and you. We were able to switch to the pillow type collar with Sadie when she had a growth removed from her eyelid.
Phoebe and I in our happy place on the deck, watching the sunset over the water, listening to the birds, and watching the squirrels scamper about. Just about the the perfect temperature, no bugs/mosquitoes.


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Keep them from scratching and making it worse.

@SquarePeg poor thing, any chance you could use one of the inflatable collars? Those cones are horrible for both pet and you. We were able to switch to the pillow type collar with Sadie when she had a growth removed from her eyelid.

I think we have one of the inflatable pillows around somewhere from when Xing had his surgeries. I’ll have to dig that out of the junk closet! That thought just took me down a rabbit hole. Who remembers this?

I think we have one of the inflatable pillows around somewhere from when Xing had his surgeries. I’ll have to dig that out of the junk closet! That thought just took me down a rabbit hole. Who remembers this?

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I feel like I should, but it's not ringing a bell. Looks so cute!
Hosers, tonight is hopefully our last blast of winter. The daytime clouds finally cleared, and temperatures will be below freezing most of the night. Low is 29F!

We scurried outside to cover up a few of the smaller green shoots, but no way to protect everything that's already been up. Fingers crossed everything makes it.
It has been cold and windy these past couple of days here too.

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