
  1. C

    Film unevenly developed - some crystal clear, some very foggy.

    Hi, I recently got some film developed (fujifilm 200 ISO exp. 2025) using a Pentax camera I am a little unfamiliar with. This resulted in me leaving the development completely in the hands of Snappy snapps, and when I got the photos back I was disappointed. Some turned out really sharp and...
  2. C

    Esii help

    My esII has this strange problem I have not been able to diagnose. The viewfinder gets stuck closed every once and a while, and it's not the mirror being stuck up like I had originally thought/seen in my other film cameras. It's a horizontal shutter this is a separate mechanism, it blocks out...
  3. A

    Help regarding my Nikon SLR camera lens

    Hello, Recently I have been experimenting on film and I am ready to buy an SLR camera. I have already on digital two lenses. One is Nikkor AF-S 55-200 mm1:4 5.6G and one is a Nikon AF NIKKOR 50mm 1:1.8 D. I want to know if these lenses are compatibile with any of these SLRs in the list...