The glacial lagoon at Jokulsarlon is a classic spot in Iceland, for tourists and photographers alike. And for a reason: it is just amazing to see the multi-coloured icebergs slowly and majestically leaving the lagoon heading towards the sea, where they will dissolve forever. Hasselblad X1D...
I love ice, and Jokulsarlon is a goldmine of inspiration, always different, always interesting. Sometimes you have very few, sparse ice diamonds, sometimes you have an abundance of shapes and masses to work with :) 3 seconds of exposure with my Hasselblad X1D, Hasselblad XCD 30mm and...
Sunset at Vestrahorn, in Iceland, a location offering much more than the famous mountain’s silhouette to those willing to explore it. Leica SL, Voigtlander 15mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters.
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Being away from home for 1.5 months now, leading Workshops non-stop since September! Today we were talking with the guys about Iceland's cold vs Scotland's cold, and this image came to mind. Jokulsarlon at sunset, taken in December 2017 with Leica SL, Leica Super-Elmar-M 21mm and Formatt-Hitech...
Dreamy sunset at the amazing Diamond Beach at Jokulsarlon, in Iceland, taken last December. Leica SL, Leica Super-Elmar-M 21mm f/3.4 and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters.
Thanks for viewing, best regards
I was out by the lake nearby and shot this. It kind of looks like some huge mountains at first but this is just a frozen puddle with a thin layer of water on top. but i had to do a lot of editing to get it this way.
This is the image straight out of the camera.
I took this yesterday during a winter caving trip. The entrance room was a forest of these ice formations. Shot with a single off camera flash via radio trigger, the best equipment I can reasonably manage on a deep winter alpine caving trip combined with a snowshoe trek though a forest full of...
I don't usually record videos with my DSLR, so be gentle.
Anyhow, I was checking out the local Colorado ice races on a frozen lake and the distance was a bit much for my gopros. So I switched from still shots to recording video with my D800 w/24-120 F4. This was shot free hand, so there is...
This sub-forum seems a stagnate, so I figured I would post some stuff.
I'm in the process of switching out my Gopro 4's for Gopro 5's...including a modified 5. In the mean time I figured I would post up a video I shot in Boulder Colorado driving up Flagstaff mountain and ending at Boulder's...