
  1. RacePhoto

    Night Sky Photo Mystery

    Mystery Object in my photo. This is just the 1 1/2 hours that it moved from the NW to SE - the arrows show the direction of travel. The stars are actually standing still and the Earth is rotating East which makes the star trails move from Right to left. So this object is going faster, the other...
  2. AJPhotographic

    Short Timelapse Film

    Hello! Here is a short timelapse film I made using a Canon 600D. About 9000 Raw files shot and edited and about 40 hours of real-time captured. This looks best in full screen. For more info please check out the description on YouTube.
  3. stefanomartinengo

    Time lapse website! Check it out!

    Hello, the name is Stefano. I've recently created a website devoted to Utah photographers creating beautiful Timelapse Videos. I love photography and to me, a timelapse video is just a concoction of hundreds of great photos brought to life as well as bringing the moment to life. It is beautiful...
  4. T

    Need Help choosing an affordable Timelapse slider.

    Hi, I have been shooting time lapse videos for a while and i want to upgrade to motion timelapse but i have no idea which Slider or control module i need. I have a horribly low budget so a DIY would be great but anything under 400 would be affordable. I like to photograph stars using long...