
  1. Bryan Pereira

    Leopard with Guinea fowl

    D850 28 to 300mm 300mm 1/640 f5.6 iso 400 Not the greatest quality & focusing is off. This leopard was quite shy just popped out of the bushes and was gone again. Quite far too but I don't have to many shots with birds being caught so thought id just throw it in. Would have liked to have time...
  2. Bryan Pereira

    Hanging Around - Leopard in Tree

    D850 200 to 400 f4 1/800 f6.3 iso 720 400mm
  3. Bryan Pereira

    Leopard by the river bank

    D850 310mm (200-400) f4 1/2000 iso 400 Had a bit more reach and typically would zoom in but decided to keep the full body incl tail in the shot Mara photo safari Oct 2023
  4. Bryan Pereira

    Split Nose - The Leopard

    Split nose D850 300mm f5.6 1/1250 iso 200 Mara phtoto safari . It took some maneuvering but this big guy came straight up to me managed to get some video and wide shoots in the landscape too
  5. Kedarnag138

    Wildlife Safari

    My recent sightings
  6. Bryan Pereira

    leopard watching me

  7. Bryan Pereira


    My favorite of the africa big cats Nikon D850 200-400f4 at 400mm 1/160th iso 500 f4 Spent around 30 minutes with this one
  8. Bryan Pereira

    Leopard posing

    Nikon d850 500mm f5.6 1/1000 iso 1400 From my feb safari, one of my regular leopards
  9. Bryan Pereira

    Leopard with Kill

    Not the greatest shot technically and one where I think my 200-400 f4 would have given me more options (faster shutter with the same iso). But a rare capture on safari. Nikon D810 200-500 at 480 400 iso f6.3 1/400
  10. jorelcuomo

    Indian Leopard Coming Down Tree

    Indian Leopard - Nagarhole National Park, India ------------------------------------------------------------ This past October I spent 20 days on safari in India. The jungles were lush and very green after the summer monsoons which provided an amazing backdrop for shooting in. This male Leopard...