Bryan Pereira

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Jan 15, 2014
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leopard bryan pereira.jpg

My favorite of the africa big cats Nikon D850 200-400f4 at 400mm 1/160th iso 500 f4
Spent around 30 minutes with this one
Great shot, loving the eyes.
It has a rich, low-contrast HDR look to it that I love. well done!
It has a rich, low-contrast HDR look to it that I love. well done!
thanks, thats interesting now you mention it! i could probably up the contrast a bit, i think i was keeping the highlights low to avoid any burn outs
It has a rich, low-contrast HDR look to it that I love. well done!
thanks, thats interesting now you mention it! i could probably up the contrast a bit, i think i was keeping the highlights low to avoid any burn outs

Also, the cat has a very slight blue cast. When you go back in and try the contrast, de-saturate the blues and see what you think. I love the pic.

Edit to add: It's not a cast, just a handful of spots. You can really see it in the mouth. Shade I guess?

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