Going through my old giraffe safari files and came across this one with a mum and daughter. Quite happy with the angle and lighting which is often an issue with giraffe portraits.
D810 200 to 400 f4
400mm 1/800 f5.6 iso 100
oct 2014 photo saf
I got a few sots of this lion coming through the grass. It ended up being one of my favorite sets even though my first look at the thumbnails they didnt stand out as much as a more formal poses. Its easy to see how lions stay camouflaged amongst the dry grass.
D850 200 to 500 f5.6
500m iso250...
Came across quite a few rhino during my last trip, always nice to see the young ones
D850 200 to 400 f4
400mm iso 400 1/5000 f4
Feb 2024 Africa photo safari
Stayed with two male lions for a while this is one of the last shots before they disappeared. Tricky one with focusing and the grass, I never use eye detect or subject tracking in scenes like this.
D850 200 to 400 f4
400mm iso 800 1/800 f4
Feb 2024 Big Cats photo safari, East Africa
This Cheetah was on the look out ready to hunt, I got quite a few shot of it though the grass.
East Africa Safari
Feb 2024
D850 200 to 400 f4
400mm f6.3 1/1250
Took quite a few shots of this cheetah walking around but mostly it had its head down. I missed this one rating the files on my first round so glad I took a closer look.
D850 200 to 400 f4
400mm f6,3 1/1250 iso 400
Fun to watch this lion family hanging out, the light was a little harsh but managed to get a few shots.
D850 28 to 300 3.5
200mm 1/400 f10 iso 500
Big Cats Safari Feb 2024
Although not as 'cute' as some of my other lion cub images certainly the most interesting for me especially in the way its body is contorted.
D850 200-400 f4
200mm 1/500 iso 640 f4
7 meters
Topi (Coke Hartebeest) are often thought of as the Guardians of the herd. They are normally the ones to warn the buffalo, zebra and wildebeest of predators. They also tend to be quite brave and take a stance on old ant hills to get a better view of the area.
D850 200-400 f4
400mm f5 1/5000 iso 400
Interesting watching all the interaction, I liked the way the cubs wet fur rendered. The group went away and came back after a while, a third cub was dead, possibly it drowned or was weak. The mother stayed with it for a while then they all left
D850 200-400 at 400mm f4 1/400 iso 400
These bucks spend most of their time in wet swampland, their hooves are specially designed not to rot in the water and their fur has an oil that makes it water resistant. The oils also have a bad taste making it less appealing to predators. I've not seen many or any lion kills with them
Split nose
D850 300mm f5.6 1/1250 iso 200
Mara phtoto safari . It took some maneuvering but this big guy came straight up to me managed to get some video and wide shoots in the landscape too