1st self portrait: The Aftermath


TPF Noob!
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
This is my first attempt at a self portrait following a ski racing crash this evening.


Some things I wish I could have achieved:
-I really wish I had a second speed light to light up the skis in the background a bit more dramatically. I tried a few desk lamps but they just simply could not overpower the shadow brought about by the speed light. The skis are currently being brought out of shadow in post.

-I have played with the white balance a little and lowered the saturation a bit to give it a more grim feeling, but still feels it needs some color adjustment. I pushed it a little more green. Maybe it needs to go a little more?

-Wish my face and nose were still bleeding to get the full effect...

Any advice or criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Tried a B&W version. It closer to what I had in mind, but am still looking for some other post options to add some grittiness to the image.

Cool shot! With that look and the dark background its kinda like Jeffrey Dahmer meets Shawn White :thumbup:

think I like the B&W more
Here is one processed with Dragonizer, a little more aggressive mood.

Let me know what you think.

Last edited:
I like your last edit; that seems to be what you were going for. Bruises and such show more in that edit as well. The skis, like you said, just aren't lit enough to "get" that they are an important part of the photo. However they show up better in the last edit.

Good job :thumbup:
Disagree with above comments....the last edit is nice, but your face just looks dirty, and the bruise looks like a big smear of dirt. Looks most bruise-like in the original.
There you go the clarity slide. I agree the last one has a better edit.

I wish the right side of your face had a little bit more detail(more light) in the eyes. Would bring out out pissed off you are little more...lol(The shadow from your nose casted it over i think).
haha they all look so different.

#1, looks like you got into a fight.
#2, looks like you just finished your mining job at the coal factory.
#3, looks like you just finished your championship football game.

I like #3 the best.
#1: A normal boy with some by-birth scars in face

#2: You just drew yourself out from beneath your van under repair

#3: An angry young man (excellent treatment; this is the best)

Regards :D

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