2 Shots With Canon EOS 30D (opinion! :) )


TPF Noob!
Jan 27, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hello guys

Yesterday i used my friend's Camera to shot some friends and i picked up those 2 shots hope u like it . :)

Actually the main problem that my friend ( the camera owner) didnt need me to shot at super fine large mode

both at small and fine.

The Lens used is 18-55mm

1-focus on the gun


2-well i focused on him and make him jump and then shot .


Besides that i didnt edit any of'em
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#1 is pretty good. You have light coming from behind him in opposite directions which shows good detail on his arms and the gun and gives a strong sense of depth. Personally, it bothers me to have a gun pointed at me, but perhaps that adds a particular edge to the photo which makes it stronger.

#2 is crap. :) Seriously though, it's underexposed and too warm for my taste. The tone and detail of the background is demanding more attention from me than his small detail-less black figure. Had you put him in a plain area instead of having a very strong line bisecting him, it may have been more effective.
You will be amazed if i tell u that i totally agree with about the 2nd photo

i just looked at the viewfinder then shot and then preview it at the camera screen it looked good but in the computer it looked really CRAP :)

I appreciate ur reply thanks
well actually it was in auto ( the owner of the camera was really afraid to make me siwtch to manual modes IDK why :))

but if u want manually control it u can set the apert. to the lowest F/Stop (biggest opening)
Also u can ask the forum experts , they will tell u for sure. (I am Still Newbie)

BTW i was physically close also to shot it , u should consider this too.


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