A drop of boredom


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Old Town, ME
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Tried to make a tired drop shot interesting. Let me know if you think it is.

*note* see if you can notice the accidental extra. When burning a section of the faucet, I noticed a shape form....so I instantly stopped...cleaned up around it...and left it. Kinda cool.

Thats the only one I got in focus, lol. Didn't care for angle either, so I tried to use it. Lighting in kitchen sucks...I actually had a tall floor lamp laying across the counter and stove with head right by faucet to be able to get a faster shutter speed, lol.

Did you notice the little swimmer dude? I was cleaning up that upper left area and all of a sudden it popped out and I see a swimmer diving down. lol, cool little bonus.

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