A Visit to the Zoo


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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As the weather is warming up here I thought it was a good time to revisit the zoo.
zoo 2.webp
Hmmm, not so keen on B+W for these I'm afraid but I'm generally not a fan of B+W for nature in general. It does sometimes work but yeah, I'm not so keen.
Hmmm, not so keen on B+W for these I'm afraid but I'm generally not a fan of B+W for nature in general. It does sometimes work but yeah, I'm not so keen.
No worries. You can't please everyone.
You caught a nice pose in #1. And #5 is my second favorite.
I am not usually a fan of b&w but on these I like it, especially that last one! Great detail.
I am not usually a fan of b&w but on these I like it, especially that last one! Great detail.
Thanks very much. I think the pelican's came out the best of the 5.

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Nice set, I didn't see the orangutans face until you mentioned it, too close to see it, pretty cool indeed. My favorite though is #5.
Nice set, I didn't see the orangutans face until you mentioned it, too close to see it, pretty cool indeed. My favorite though is #5.
Thanks Kirk. Yes, it is a bit hard to see on a big screen. #5 for me as well.
Nice photo and nice pose.
I am a huge fan of B&W but generally not for Wildlife but I like these are just fine great set.it took me a second to figure what #3 was about and think it is very cool.
I always take some pictures of the Birds including the Flamingos at the Sedgwick County Zoo in both Black & White Films and in Color Digitals on Photography and finally, I sometimes do edit them, indeed!!! Stay Blessed, 4 now!!!

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