Another Sunset


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2008
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Oklahoma City, OK
Can others edit my Photos
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Not like anyone wants to see another sunset picture, but I like how this one came out. Handheld 1/80s, f/10, ISO 640. Any C&C welcome.

Yes. This one looks cool. Different in a way, too, what with the large amount of blue in the upper part of the photo. The silhouetted branches look good, too. I like how the sun still lights up the clouds from below.
realllly nice photo. really like the sky.

was there any post processing done?
I love the composition -- the silhouette of the tree is a very nice touch, as are the clouds. Evokes a feeling of late fall with a brisk wind and snow on the way.
realllly nice photo. really like the sky.

was there any post processing done?

Yes, I cropped the some of the bottom out as there was way too much black. I also played with the curves a bit and did a blur on I believe the red layer because it had a lot of noise. The saturation is +8 as well. and vibrance is +13. Then before I posted I did -8 on Saturation. Other than that it's how it came out of the camera.

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