Anyone for a fruit pie?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 19, 2022
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G'day all

I've got the makings of a beaut blackberry pie .... anyone gotta pie crust ready to go :)

exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/200s x F6,3; ISO-200; lens at 20x zoom / 480mm FFequiv

As always, feedback welcome
Looks delish! I used to bake pies, but I've gotten lazy, and some of the frozen pies one can buy at the Supermarket are amazing. Nice shot!
Thanks Jeff .... and it's a 'maybe' if I were to wait a week or so, then brave the many prickles on the bushes I could have ended up with a small bucket load of fruit
Thanks Jeff .... and it's a 'maybe' if I were to wait a week or so, then brave the many prickles on the bushes I could have ended up with a small bucket load of fruit
You'll come across more blackberry bush's on ya travels, aussielands teaming with'em Mr😱.

Always good to find a free feed out there hey🤘...
G'day all

I've got the makings of a beaut blackberry pie .... anyone gotta pie crust ready to go :)

exif- Panny FZ-2500; 1/200s x F6,3; ISO-200; lens at 20x zoom / 480mm FFequiv

As always, feedback welcome
I figure if i mail the pie crust out now by the time it arrives those berries will be good to go!

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