B&W Challenge: DOORS

gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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The B&W Challenge is a fun thing, no competition and no prizes, this challenge will run for a period of two weeks because there's simply more time to experiment and to approach a theme from multiple creative sides in two weeks, which has been the objective of this challenge from the beginning.

Try to go further than simply 'registering' your object, consider also the possibilities of creative editing. Lets photograph doors from a frog perspective with a wide-angle lens or look at reflections in glass windows of doors. Why not search for structures in used woods or make close-ups of chipped paint layers and turn your images into sepia beauties, etc. Choose the creative side in this challenge and surprise everyone with your images.

Have fun!
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Some wonderful old hardwood doors salvaged from an old house being demolished and re-used on our new project.


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