B&W Leica R7 with 60mm ROM lens & Tri-X: Chicago


TPF Noob!
May 12, 2012
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London, Yorkshire, Chicago
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Chicago, first light, looking north over L tracks to Trump Tower; sun rising from east, breaking through classical architecture and early skyscrapers. Uncorrected scan from Tri-X film, Leica R7 with Leica 60mm Rom; Zone system metering.

The Technika would have ironed out those verticals if I'd have had it to hand :(

Leica Documentary - * * * * * * * * * * Turner Commercial Photography & Field Documentary Media
It's always nice to have camera movements to handle really tallllllll buildings like that when shooting from ground level! Still, you handled it pretty well with a fixed-body camera. It's a a nice scene. I love the tracks in there! And the train 's headlights REALLY add a neat element!
CommercialPro said:
<img src="http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8346"/>

Chicago, first light, looking north over L tracks to Trump Tower; sun rising from east, breaking through classical architecture and early skyscrapers. Uncorrected scan from Tri-X film, Leica R7 with Leica 60mm Rom; Zone system metering.

The Technika would have ironed out those verticals if I'd have had it to hand :(

Leica Documentary - * * * * * * * * * * Turner Commercial Photography & Field Documentary Media

That's bloody awesome. Some pictures really make you say 'wow'. When I see places like chicago, london really does look dull by comparison.

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