Backdrop Curiousity

Austin Greene

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 6, 2012
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Mountain View, California
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Oh man, what are midterms doing to me? You'd think I know how to spell curiosity the first go around...Mods, any help here?

I'm considering setting up a small studio in our living room for some basic University graduation portraits as a way of helping make ends meet as I prepare to graduate myself. Last year a good, now graduated, friend of mine did basic grad. portraits for $10 a pop, and he had significant success. I figure I'd fill his niche this year.

With that said, I don't have the capital to invest in a 10x20 muslin or a 107" roll of paper for the backdrop. Instead, I'm considering buying a cheaper linen tablecloth to hang up on our living room wall. I'm wondering though if the thinner material would be an issue if I wanted to gel the background a little. At half the price of a regular muslin of similar size, it's very tempting (~7.5x13). These would be headshots, or 2/3, but likely not full body.

Also, I was thinking either black, or white (if I were to gel it). Though grey would be preferable, I can't find any in the right sizes. Any thoughts on what would work best color-wise for graduation gowns? I imagine black would require a rim light to help the gown from disappearing, and I never really see crazy/fancy colors in grad photos regardless, so perhaps I don't need to gel after all.

Thanks for the comments and ideas!


EDIT: The tablecloth I was looking at. Either white, black, or ivory.
If you want to gel the backdrop, black delivers more saturated color from a gel.
A gelled gray backdrop delivers pastel shades of the gel.
A white background delivers even lighter shades of the gel. A white background that is not gelled still need to be lit if you don't want light fall off to make it look gray..

Since you will not be shooting more than 2/3 length shots of individuals, you might get by with 53" wide seamless paper instead of the 107".
Just $39 - 53 Inch x 12 yds Background Paper (27 Thunder Gray)
Threshold? Microplush Blanket : Target

Stone Grey.

As mentioned above, black is easy to gel and get a nice, rich color; gray is MUCH lighter; white can be a PITA, with a LOT of reflected gel light coming back toward the subject, especially in a small shooting area.

You're right: black gown in front of a jet-black backdrop leads to a disappearing gown; gray backdrop would give separation without need of background lighting.
Thanks for the quick replies guys. And Derrel, you just completely blew my mind. After reading your post I looked over and noticed I had the exact same blanket (only dark blue) on my bed! Pulled it out into the living room, gave it a test shot with and without a flash on it, and it looks great! A nice gradient from royal to deep blue, and dark enough that without a flash on it I've got a solid black background! Fits well with our school colors. Hurray! It's a kind-sized too (double it up on my tiny twin bed), so it's plenty big. $15 saved! That's about 20 top ramens, so three weeks of college dinners!
For some reason I can't see what is in Derrel's link, but I agree about the grey color.

I would never consider lining material for backdrops.

Edit: just seen your reply. Great :)
Thanks for the quick replies guys. And Derrel, you just completely blew my mind. After reading your post I looked over and noticed I had the exact same blanket (only dark blue) on my bed! Pulled it out into the living room, gave it a test shot with and without a flash on it, and it looks great! A nice gradient from royal to deep blue, and dark enough that without a flash on it I've got a solid black background! Fits well with our school colors. Hurray! It's a kind-sized too (double it up on my tiny twin bed), so it's plenty big. $15 saved! That's about 20 top ramens, so three weeks of college dinners!

Yeah...I've used the king-sized Target microfiber blankets as I linked you to myself, as well as a white plush one I bought from a discount remnants store for $19.

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