Beautiful Church Window

Pirate Neilsouth

TPF Noob!
Jul 5, 2009
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John Isaac III (born c. 1422) asked in his will, made in 1500, that his body be buried in the ‘Chapel of John at Patrixbourne’. It is not, however, clear, whether this was a chapel within St Mary’s or whether it was a separate building. The Isaacs held Howletts, as well as Hode and Ratling, and there is a ruined chapel called Well Chapel, near Howletts, built in the perpendicular style which was associated with the Isaacs. However, the Well chapel was in the parish of Ickham. If the Isaac chapel was dedicated to St John the Baptist, the niche above the south door with its Agnus Dei may also date from the fifteenth century rather than from the twelfth.

Unfortunately, the niche is so degraded that it is hard to form a judgement. The chapel was clearly completed in time for John Isaac II and his wife to be buried there and, since the chapel is likely to have been completed after the changes to the roof, most if not all of the fifteenth-century rebuilding is likely to have taken place in the earlier part of the century. Members of the Isaac family are plausible patrons as they were wealthy and influential, had already donated money for the completion of the cloister at Christ Church, Canterbury (the Isaac arms appear in the ceiling vault) and chose to be buried in the church.

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I would have like to see the walls too (use your flash / use an off camera flash to light the walls)
The window is still a little blown mind you so maybe lower the EV... Just a tad.
The colours are wonderful....and I really like the reflection of the glass to the right!

I did use my flash but it did not give me the impact i wanted , i don't have an off camera flash. I took seperate shots with a lower EV but then the wooden frame and the arch way becomes too dark and not visible.

The shot finally came out just about right :D , thankyou for the suggestion though sometimes you just have to make small sacrifices :)
do you still have all the shots?
if so post them all up n ill play around in photoshop n make one up if you want?
do you still have all the shots?
if so post them all up n ill play around in photoshop n make one up if you want?

I'll have another play tomorrow tis 12am here , see what i can do.

I don't think i've got the wall shot in though , not that i care for a boring bland yellow wall :lmao:.

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