Best flash?


TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2007
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I'm looking to buy a new flash (cheapie right now). I've used the SB600, which is nice, but I know there are many 3rd party brands that offer solutions. Anything stack up to the SB-600 in the price range? Is anything better than the SB600 for the price?
Depends on your needs... do you use iTTL or CLS? If yes, there is only one other option adn thats the SB-800 and those are more expensive... if you do not, there are many options that match the SB-600, few that outperform it at a lower cost.

You get what you pay for.
Any specific recommendations that would be a good alternative to the SB600?
I use an SB-600 most of the time, and an SB-800 when I REALLY need reach... mostly I use the SB-600 more because it weighs less and I actually own one (rather than having to bum one off a buddy with whom I share some equipment).

The SB-800 wins for raw power between the two, but it is heavier and I find it far less user-friendly... although that fifth battery quick recycle thing is the bomb.

I don't know a thing about the cheap third-party flashes.

I have to admit that when I buy camera equipment, it generally says Nikon on it (I do own 3 third-party lenses though, at least at the moment).

Basically, if I had wanted to use a Sigma flash and a Sigma lens, I would have bought a Sigma DSLR... so I can't help ya here.
ehehe i tend to recomend the vivitar 285hv a lot since for me is a great flash look some info on it...
The SB-800 wins for raw power between the two, but it is heavier and I find it far less user-friendly... although that fifth battery quick recycle thing is the bomb.

i usually agree with what you say, but here i can't. i find the 800 worlds easier to use than the 600. there are too few buttons on the 600, and the 'hold this button and that button and raise your left leg' thing really gets me. i find that the controls on the 800 to be a little more intuitive because they're not as multi-functional.

for me, it's easier and more powerful, but that's

just my opinion.
I figured out my SB-800 wihtout reading the user manual... so for me that points to a certain level of intuitive and well placed controls.

Never played with the SB-600, but have shot in iTTL mode with it. I can pass on it, honestly.

My next flash will again be an 800.
ehehe i tend to recomend the vivitar 285hv a lot since for me is a great flash look some info on it...

Just a note, vivitars are known good for the buck strobes, but the latest recent batch have a high failure rate. I am talking failurs within 50 flashes.

They are aware of it and are shipping a new (supposdely improved), batch end of March.
i usually agree with what you say, but here i can't. i find the 800 worlds easier to use than the 600. there are too few buttons on the 600, and the 'hold this button and that button and raise your left leg' thing really gets me. i find that the controls on the 800 to be a little more intuitive because they're not as multi-functional.

for me, it's easier and more powerful, but that's

just my opinion.

I don't know what body you have but, with the D80, the only button that I push is the "On" button except when I want to turn on the remote flash mode and, in that case, I'm glad that it's not easy to do. (With modern "do it all" products, I always fear accidentally changing something without realizing it until it's too late.)
I don't know what body you have but, with the D80, the only button that I push is the "On" button except when I want to turn on the remote flash mode and, in that case, I'm glad that it's not easy to do. (With modern "do it all" products, I always fear accidentally changing something without realizing it until it's too late.)
no offense, but if i accidentally change something with the flash, i can see what's going enough to change it back. i like being able to change settings quick, i don't find that very easy with sb600s.

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