Bird spotters Paradise

Bryan Pereira

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Jan 15, 2014
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According to the Guinness Book of Records Kenya stands above all other countries when it comes to bird watching. It has held the record for the most species sighted in a 24 hr period (342) since 1986!

I mostly shoot the big game so these arent great shots just what I came across on safari. 200-400mm mostly
k434 DSC_0032 redo 2.jpg


Crested Crane
Giant African Woodpecker

bit of a mystery!
superb starling
k183 DSC_0075 redo.jpg
Fish Eagle
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Those are very nice captures and interesting birds. Certainly would be great to be able to go birding in Kenya. However while it may hold the record for birds seen in twenty four hours it is way behind Colombia in number of species and endemics: Kenya 1132 species, 7 endemics. Colombia 1871 species, 74 endemics.
Very nice! It would be great to go there on a birding safari.
Nice shots. That second one is crazy cool! What is it?
Brian, very nice - I recognize them all but the owl. I would suggest that it would be a favour to folks who haven't been to Africa if you could post a name with each of these. Some folks might think the Fish Eagle is actually a Bald Eagle :biggrin-93:.

These are some incredible shots. I really like them.
Brian, very nice - I recognize them all but the owl. I would suggest that it would be a favour to folks who haven't been to Africa if you could post a name with each of these. Some folks might think the Fish Eagle is actually a Bald Eagle :biggrin-93:.

good idea! have done so,
Don't sell your self short,these are great shots even if there not man eating.Your location spot looks like a great place.
Nice shots; there were a couple there I didn't know existed!
I thought the Woodpecker was a Kingfisher of some sort--and I love those Bateleurs (one of the ones I didn't know existed, learned something new!).

On that owl, I'd check out either African Barred Owl or Pearl-Spotted Owlet.

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