Birds at the Lake


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
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1. Rainbow Bee eaters

2. Kookaburra
Interesting birds and good photos of them.
Lovely birds. Kookaburra sound so cool, wish we had them.
They certainly do like to laugh. Especially at me when I am trying to get a photo and they keep flying behind tree limbs or looking the other way.

Bee eater always have spectacular colours but
for the Kookaburra, it's all in its shape! :encouragement: :cool:
Agree. They are both attractive in different ways that's for sure.
Interesting birds and good photos of them.
Thank you.
Not only do you have colorful birds, you have colorful names for them. Speaking of colors, I like that first pair.
Boy, them Bee Eaters are colourful. The other thing ain't too shoddy neither.
wow - I wish I could photograph those Bee Eaters- such vibrant colours :)

Nice shots of some interesting birds.....
Thanks Jeff
Not only do you have colorful birds, you have colorful names for them. Speaking of colors, I like that first pair.
The Rainbow Bee eaters do take the prize for colour.
Boy, them Bee Eaters are colourful. The other thing ain't too shoddy neither.
The Kookaburra will be happy to hear that lol.
wow - I wish I could photograph those Bee Eaters- such vibrant colours :)

When you come "down under" for a holiday you can :).
I had planned to visit Perth last year for a month- but sadly Covid had other plans :(

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