Black and White Madness!!


TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
San Marcos, CA
here are a couple of drunken shots.....critiques? comments? advice? bashes?






Good work! The photos seem pretty random. I need more details. Are these your faves from the archive? Was this from a recent photo adventure? Are the photos drunken posts, or were you drunk when you took them?

I do know that drinking has no place in photography. Emotions and focus get off point. I advocate drinking. Maybe it is my brain that can not handle the two. Historically I think WeeGee was a drunk and the F64 club shared a lot of wine together.
yeah i was joking about the drunken thing.....they were all random shots taken around Long Beach, San Francisco, and the San Diego area....these were my favorites from a series of shots i took......i especially like the first one.....(i like big piles of trash in black and white)....and i was using Ilford SFX 200 with a red filter which darkened the sky and brought out the clouds....but yeah thanks for your comment....i appreciate it.....peace
Well, hooray! I'm glad someone else has played with this Ilford film. I really liked my own results, using the #25 red filter.

These are very nice shots. I really like the trash pile, you have a nice dramatic sky overhead, the beauty of which is in such sharp contrast to the ugliness of the trash. Very nice. I'm also partial to #s 5 and 6. Both well-composed images, with nice detail.

Keep up the good work! :D
nice work redeye, the trashpile does it for me too. Its very surreal looking. Part of me says push the image even further, for instance a totally black/near black sky with brilliant white clouds. Don't know if that can be done without messing up the image.

the placement of the shot is fantastic, just slightly off center but the way the clouds and earth are place make the eyes move around the picture and lead to the large white piece of junk in the center. Very well composed, and the lighting is spot on!

It reminds me of one of my favourite album covers ever by singer Angie Aparo

The skateboarder shot also appeals to me. Good work here!
thanks everyone for your positive feedback......i really appreciate your comments......peace to all.....

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