Black white and red - NSFW/Not for people with a weak stomache


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2009
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I found this little guy on the way home from college,
The first thing I noticed was "oh my god poor bird is dead"
As I got closer to it I noticed the blood and was like "how the hell did that happen?"
But my curiosity striked the urge (and I remembered chillers photograph of the dead fish and it instantly inspired me - this one -
Sure it is dead, but death is a part of life, it is a confusing subject

Perhaps a little too strong?
I really wish I paid a little more attention to detail in terms of composition and exposure.
I really didn't want to linger though as it was outside someones house on a main road so I didn't want to look like a sicko taking pictures of dead stuff.

(1s = no edit + possibly my favourite, 2nd = sepia to give a more dramatic feel to it, best try make a bad picture a tad better.)

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50 views and no criticism, I take it this image is too strong (obscene) for this area

Mod please delete this post thankyou :)
I suspect..............................
...................... Fowl play!!

Sorry I just couldn't resist.

All kidding aside though. All I see is a pic of a dead bird. With the photo you referenced, there is a bigger picture (ugh... once I start I can't stop with the puns, sorry) point being, there's more to see in the other pic, its not just of a dead fish. Not saying the pic of yours is bad, it just isn't telling me a story. Which is what the other pic is implying. I'm not getting anything else from yours.

Got any wider veiws of yours? perhaps an artsy take with P.P. if you do. Maybe an artsy P.P. if you don't. I don't mean to be rude, it's just yours isn't as powerful, or compelling, without something more. Just my $0.02

Stop appologzing xD

I know it is rubbish (i have recently figured out that what I see through the viewfinder isnt totally what is captured.. :/)

Hopefully it is still there later today and Ill use my 18mm kit lens instead of the 50mm (which btw is very bad IQ in this :S and it was on f8 at iso100... perhaps because my uv filter.)
The colours I feel are too vibrant too, and I need a lower perspective to show some background but since the full path is full of snow im not really looking to lay in freezing snow xD but sacrifices must be made I suppose.

I think I had the camera overall too close to the bird as it seems OOF although it was on f8 and iso 100 in bright day light with a huuuge reflector (the snow)
and the lens was the 50mm 1.8 mkii distance was roughly 3 - 4 ft from the bird, next time I would try it at about 10 - 20 ft away, god I cannot wait to finally buy my Sigma 10-20mm.

But yeah, stop appologizing :)
We are on the forum to be criticised and told the truth, if you dislike an image just say it, if the poster doesn't like it, he should learn to live with the fact some people will like his work and others wont (Y)
I agree with the Fowl Play. Looks like some idiot shot it with a BB gun or even a small caliber gun. What a shame!
Nah I can confirm no such fowl play (especially with a caliber gun)
I am in uk where owning guns is not legal (entirely atleast)
And it was laying on the path just outside a house
most likely it dived too low or got too cold and fell?
Something along those lines I assume.
I was apologizing for the bad puns. You being in the UK you may not have gotten the joke (because you might not have seen this show); It's from a really bad cop show{CSI Miami}, where the main character usually takes off his glasses and makes a really bad pun about a murder he's solving..... and you know, "fowl" instead of foul..... :meh::meh::meh::lol::meh::meh::meh:

Or maybe you did get it, and it wasn't funny, either or. I admit, it was a bad joke, it's hard for me to resist making bad jokes.
birds of a feather....
A better edit, but this may be one of those times where selective coloring works.
Not a fan sorry. The lighting is a bit harsh and i think the angle made the snow overpower the shot. Looks kind of snapshot like. Not to offend in any way. I am no pro and produce images of this quality most of the time. This is just MO. Nice shot though. Pigions are hard to get with a bb gun :lmao:
Ahh I see, I thought you were appologizing for the critique.

We have CSI and CSI Miami over here (we have most american shows I am sure.)
I simply haven't watched them, however watched csi the otherday and quiet liked it, I may start watching it regularly but as for just now, its a good program but wouldn't go out my way to watch it :)

Nice twist to your comment sin :)
and as previously stated, dont be sorry for critique.

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