Bluebird Tai chi?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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Or perhaps yoga?

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I caught a great blue heron stretching like that the other day, it's cool to watch.
The bird had landed on the house with the bug in its mouth, I was waiting for it to jump up and enter so I could attempt to get some action in the shot. I'm almost certain the bird knew I was watching and was waiting for me to leave.

I guess it got a little stiff while trying to wait me out.

I've seen birds stretching their wings before but the standing on one leg thing was new to me.
The bird had landed on the house with the bug in its mouth, I was waiting for it to jump up and enter so I could attempt to get some action in the shot. I'm almost certain the bird knew I was watching and was waiting for me to leave.

I guess it got a little stiff while trying to wait me out.

I've seen birds stretching their wings before but the standing on one leg thing was new to me.
It almost looks like they're going to do a reverse wheel kick.

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