

TPF Noob!
Oct 18, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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What do you think, I like it a bit, although I wish it was sharper.
it's still a great shot. not too often you can get that close. well done!
Thanks. Any other comments, I'd really appreciate them, I'm a begginer, I've learnt about aperture, iso, shutter speeds etc. and I just need some comments on my pictures.
That is a pretty sweet capture.:) But I too share your wish that is was a little bit sharper.
thanks. I had to crop a bit, and then get rid of the noise.
76 views and only 2 comments- anyone else, I'd really appreciate it
i think the lack of sharpness also gives it a in motion quality.
very cool shot.
i think the lack of sharpness also gives it a in motion quality.
very cool shot.
Thank you very much, I hadn't noticed that. Anyone else got any comments/critique?
The only thing I can think of is I don't know how big the flowers are but that looks like one monstrous bee. I got lucky with a bee shot once. It took an hour of focusing on the flowers with the button halfway down then waiting for the bee to come into it. what an exercise in patience. it can be fun and rewarding.
thanks petey, the flowers were actually very small, and the bees were quite hard to focus on
Hi. What's your shutter speed?

Nice shot even with the motion blur.

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