TPF Noob!
Hi! I bought a Canon Rebel Eos Xs a few years ago and i was wondering if it was still a good camera in the market. I bought it 400$ at the time and now i wonder if for the same price the DSLR are much better and if i can find compact cameras, in the 100-200$ range, that are as good if not better?
I ask that because i was looking to buy a cheap (100-200$) compact camera to take small videos and panoramic pictures while traveling but if my 200$ compact is going to produce better pictures thank my Rebel Xs i might change my mind and start looking at a new DSLR instead.
I ask that because i was looking to buy a cheap (100-200$) compact camera to take small videos and panoramic pictures while traveling but if my 200$ compact is going to produce better pictures thank my Rebel Xs i might change my mind and start looking at a new DSLR instead.