

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
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This cave may have been populated as far back as 9,000 years ago.

Hmmm me cave look lots liek yurs....

lookeng to sell? yours louks beiger...

:) haha nice capture
Hmmm me cave look lots liek yurs....

lookeng to sell? yours louks beiger...

:) haha nice capture

Surly. Much convenience- close to salt. Also curb appeal and landscaping, RV parking on side of cave..

How many pelts you ofer?

and thanks!
Lovely colours, but looks a bit cold - want to swap?
Beautiful pic, abraxas. Good detail on the landscape in the distance, as well as details of the cave surface in the foreground. The moody sky, the framing, and the colours in general, all combine to make it a very pleasing image, IMHO.
excellent image except there seems to be a little bit of oversharpening going on around the edges of the cave (maybe due to HDR?) other than that great tones and contrast!
Thanks all- Anti. Appreciate the comments.
Nice photo! The left side looks great with the grass/rock
Thanks to all for your comments.

The cave is in the Mojave Desert. I waited there while shooting a wind series across the dry lake. It's quite -skritchy. I lost it reducing it down and resharpening. It was shot a couple years ago before I went to RAW. Oh well. Thought I'd share.

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