CCD Clean Slight Blurring


TPF Noob!
Apr 19, 2024
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London, UK
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Hi there,
I accidentally spilt a small amount of liquid on the CCD for my Nikon D7100 DLSR. I had forgotten not to use compressed air on it and a little bit of liquid ended up on the CCD, a very small amount.
I have cleaned it and the image output has gone from this:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 141430.webp

To this:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 141557.webp

There are a couple of very small blemishes left. I might be able to leave it as is, but if not, I will go again with a swab and cleaning solution.

I have taken a few test images and the are looking far better, though I am noticing that on images, there is not as much clarity as I would like.
In this example post CCD clean I have it set to auto no flash, 105mm (on a 18-105mm lens), f/5.6 1/6 sec ISO 100.
Screenshot 2024-04-19 141811.webp

If you zoom in, the heads for the plants are actually not all that clear. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Screenshot 2024-04-19 141820.webp

The lens is the stock D7100 18-105mm VR Lens Kit with VR switched on. Auto Focus also on.

Thanks in advance. :smug:
The blooms on the plant are simply out of focus, as the greenery looks fairly sharp. I think you simply focused on the center of the frame, and that part of the subject is closer to you, and your depth of field is shallow enough to blur the blooms on top.
G'day Tsr

Cleaning of the sensor is a regular need for all who swap lenses regularly, and the cleaning process needs a lot of care
Yes- you (like me years ago) found that compressed air is not a good idea !! - but for me, I find that some cleans needed 3-goes with the cleaning solution+ wand to get the sensor spotless

Less fluid on the wand + a single wipe and replace of the wand and 'slowly-slowly' gets the job done

Hope this helps
this example post CCD clean I have it set to auto no flash, 105mm (on a 18-105mm lens), f/5.6 1/6 sec ISO 100.
First of all 1/6 shutter speed on a plant, outside subject to movement is no way to test focus even if you had the camera on a tripod (which you didn't say you had).

If you really want to check focus Camera Lens Testing - Focus Testing - Bob Atkins Photography there's a link to a chart you can download.

For sensor cleaning if fluid on a swab doesn't get the spots, you can try ROR fluid. It works on petroleum based spots.
Thank you all, some really helpful advice.
It is working really well now. The tips @Ozzie_Traveller mentioned were really helpful and also thank you @smoke665 for the link to the Camera Focus Testing site. I have the chart now. Really helpful, thank you.

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