Christmas Shoot


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Can others edit my Photos
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Just did some last minute photos for this family. Any and all c&c is appreciated.
1 $Ocampo - Christmas (1 of 2).jpg
2$Ocampo - Christmas (2 of 2).jpg
What a fantastic family! Technicalities aside (I'll leave them for others) you caught them looking like a very happy family. To me that beats all. :D
What a fantastic group! You caught them looking like a very happy family. To me that beats all. :D

My only 20/20 hindsight comment is that it's a pity you didn't pull the curtain aside in #1.
Critique as requested:

#1- background is a bit too busy and untidy for my liking, and I'm not really digging the shadow dad is casting on the lower left. Moving the family away from the backdrop as much as space allows would help, I think. You'd still get the "hey look, a Christmas-y background" effect, but more attention would be on the smiling family because they'd be in sharper focus than the background.

#2- lighting seems a bit flat and "cold". On the tree in the background, I'd prefer to see the lights rather than the green wires of the light strands. Move the family away from the tree, expose for the lights, and illuminate the family with flash.
I agree^^
#1 the curtain is very distracting..Would have shifted them over more to camera left...Maybe would have posed Dad's hand better..
#2 Gotta watch the cropping..Young boys fingers are chopped off..As well as dad's hands..
Sorry I have been a bit busy as of the past month and a half but wanted to revist this and say 'thank you' to all those that chimed in...Thanks!

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