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TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2006
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Nothing special...i just like the colors and the fact that it was on a brick wall...

I like the colors as well! Very cool!
Well seen, and excellently captured. Love the brick texture and color saturation…

I gotta ask though… WTF is “Disfrute”?? I’m hoping it means “Pour this crap down the drain because it will rot your teeth.” ;)
Ooo, I sure understand why you like them, and the fact that all this was painted onto a brick wall. Good find. Good eye. Good exposure.

And hey: welcome to ThePhotoForum.
(Must go and find out who all joined the forum as new members in the past two weeks or so... there seem to be quite many new ones ... !)

Ah. And "Disfrute" is a Spanish imperative verb form meaning nothing else but "Enjoy" in the polite way of saying it (there are two ways of addressing people in the Spanish language, a polite one and a familiar one, this is the polite one).
i like the color and texture, but the framing is to on center IMO, this looks uncropped, did you try any other croppings?

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