Cross country ski


TPF Noob!
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Milan, Italy
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
1 - Swiss

2 - Italian

3 - Line of skiers

4 - Austrian

5 - Another Austrian

6 - American with hair up

7 - French

C&C welcome
Love the colors, nice sharp focus. Might I ask why you cut everyone off at the knees? I'd like to see some with the entire skier. Try rotating the camera 90 degrees, and shoot portrait style.
Hi CM,

thanks for the comments!

You won't believe it, but I had already written this reply to your message:

I do have some pics with the full body, but because they all skied closed to each other, it was pretty hard to get a nice shot of a skier without confusing elements around it. And the few times I did, I made mistakes in focus, exposure or composition.

However, after I had already written that, I took another look at the photos of today and it looks like I do have some acceptable full-body shots. Here they are:








All in all, I guess I very much like the shots where the athlete's fatigue, determination and pain show clearly on her/his face. But I very much appreciate your suggestion!
#12 and #14 are my favorite. Pehaps a small crop on #14 cutting either the left or the right crowd off, resulting in the skier not being directly in the center, but I love the expression. Really makes you feel like you are there.

Nice job.
Thanks for the comments!

Totally agree on the 14th, I actually tried, but cutting the right would have cut the left ski, while cutting the left would have killed the overexposed banner and snow that nicely contrasts with the skier's black outfit. However, the picture as is looks pretty static indeed.

Thanks again!
Surely Norway won this...I mean, we pretty much own cross country skiing - both male and female LOL. I wish there were more Norwegians!

Nice set!
Seems to be necessary to compromise between getting a nice close up of facial expressions and a full body photo showing the movement of the athlete. Personally, I really like both. ZapaTex....nice photos!
Well, I can live with that. :)

A few of your subjects could use some more exposure, they are a little dark. Blown snow isn't something I'd mind in this context.
Hi Compaq,

thanks for the additional passage!

And for the very good comment. I'm now looking at the photos again and I totally agree with you. The light was quite difficult, but my ISO setting was low enough to at least take care of that during development.

Thanks again!
The full body shots are much more professional and entertaining. Shoot wide in landscape or tight in portrait.
I like the closeups of the face, but to cover the race properly you do need to include full body shots which you did. In that first group of shots I can see one tweek that might help make them stronger images. Take note of the skiers facial positions, most of them are looking down and forward. The angle you shot from is a bit high, get down lower so you can really see those expressions better.
Hi Brian and Tony, thanks for your comments!

Shoot wide in landscape or tight in portrait.
Great advice. I actually do not have any actual portraits, showing just the face (and a bit of shoulders maybe), I wish there was another race to try again! :)
Take note of the skiers facial positions, most of them are looking down and forward. The angle you shot from is a bit high, get down lower so you can really see those expressions better.
Great advice too! The fence and the crowd would have made it difficult (it was an urban race, the snow had come with trucks from the mountain and they had built a ring in a downtown park in Milan), but I did not even try to lower the camera and I'm sure I could have gone that direction a little bit.

Thanks everyone!
May I ask what lens you used? :)

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