

hear me roar
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Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit


  • DSC_0336_8795resized.jpg
    102.2 KB · Views: 104
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Why is the file attached rather than "posted" in the submission? I tried clicking on this one and I cannot get it to enlarge (not doing something right?), so it is very hard to comment on it, although it does look promising.

Why is the file attached rather than "posted" in the submission? I tried clicking on this one and I cannot get it to enlarge (not doing something right?), so it is very hard to comment on it, although it does look promising.


I'll try to fix that when I get back home. :(
Tried to post this as a full image and can't get it to be a normal size. It posts as a GIANT photo that doesn't fit all on one screen which looks awful. How do I resize the photo so that it posts smaller when I post it as a full image instead of a thumbnail?
Tried to post this as a full image and can't get it to be a normal size. It posts as a GIANT photo that doesn't fit all on one screen which looks awful. How do I resize the photo so that it posts smaller when I post it as a full image instead of a thumbnail?

Not sure how you do that, but it may depend on where the original is posted. Hopefully a mod will help you with this.

I looked around and found this, so have a look and see if it helps - How to post pictures and use forum functions: A pictoral guide to using TPF | Photography Forum

I was able to click on the image and get a bigger one. My only comment on the "bigger" one is that it looks a little cluttered in the sense that the main subject is lost in the flowers in the background. In these kind of situations, I often try and isolate the main subject from the background and throw the background out of focus as best I can (not always successful).

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