Dancing in the sunset


TPF Noob!
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
Maryland, United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
So I'm not much of a people photographer, but I do get some candid shots here and there when opportunities present themselves. This is was my niece's 18th bday and I didn't have my DSLR. She was dancing on the dance floor and I noticed she would pass by the setting sun in the window every so often. So I took out my OnePlus 10 Pro (which takes decent photos btw) and waited for the right moments. A little bit of post-processing and I'd say it turned out nicely.

Lovely atmosphere. The skirt swilrling out really makes this one work.
post-processing and I'd say it turned out nicely
I'm sorry to say it did not turn out nicely at all.

As a mother cherishing the memory of her daughter no doubt this is a winner.

There are nasty colors all over the place which shouldn't be there. And I can't make our their faces at all. Too bright of an image.

I don't understand why you didn't just upload this picture to the forums yourself. In the gallery I see images that you do not own...
I'm sorry to say it did not turn out nicely at all.

As a mother cherishing the memory of her daughter no doubt this is a winner.

There are nasty colors all over the place which shouldn't be there. And I can't make our their faces at all. Too bright of an image.

I don't understand why you didn't just upload this picture to the forums yourself. In the gallery I see images that you do not own...
Just wondering. What gallery are you talking about? Because I have only shared images I've taken myself.

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