Day and Night


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 3, 2010
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Everything except for his positioning is spot on. Is this a candid or did you pose him?
Everything except for his positioning is spot on. Is this a candid or did you pose him?

kinda both. I told him to stand over there but didn't give any more direction than that.
Cool I like it. I can't decide whether his position throws it off or makes it though.. If I stare directly at him it seems like a perfect position but the second I start to look around the scene his positioning starts bothering me.

I also find that weird shadow very intriguing.
Wonderful shot....but the position bothers me. It makes me say "Ehy guy...make up your mind: centered or left?". That is a transition position which block the dynamic of the subject.
For me the positioning makes the image. I did a similar thing with an obvious central subject by accident and deliberately try it on occasion just to break the mold.

I think I might have preferred it without the person there. But I still really like the photo, great job.
I think I might have preferred it without the person there. But I still really like the photo, great job.

Thanks. I have one without him there. I just enjoy the human element. When I was looking through the lens, while he was standing there. I got the felling that he was at a time when he had to choose a path. Towards the light or into the darkness. The young man in the image, my brother-in-law, was actually going through some tough life decisions so it made this image even more appealing to me.
I really love the way the waves are crashing against his leg overall I love this photo

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