Dear old friends


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 19, 2018
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I heard some odd pitter patter sounds on my floor lately. I thought mice, oh no! Or worse big cock roaches! Terrible. It had been raining awfully something fierce lately. Who knows what could scamper up onto my 2nd floor apartment. So I put on my handy glasses and took a look around. I was a little surprised what I found. A door. I sorted my glasses. Added some and retracted some camera filters and low and behold look what I found. Dear old friends. The creek must have burst it's banks. Thankfully they moved nearby safe and dry.
Filters adjust.jpg
I knew it.jpg
Old friends.jpg
Old friends 2 low file size.jpg

It's Dear old Badger and Mr. Toad.... :p Captured with Camera phone. Edited in Photoshop.
Thanks Jeff, KJ north.

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