Dining out?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 16, 2006
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Ely England
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Pair of house sparrows - beaks too full for a romantic conversation.​
Well, it's also impolite to speak with your beak full. They could always 'Twitter' though.

(Okay, I'm leaving. No need to push)
i like this shot, however the bird on the right looks a lil out of focus
Because this is such a symmetrically pleasing photo, (It really does look like a mirrored image) it would benefit from a straighten tool to push it to full vertical.
Too bad the female bird is moving and blurry. Somedays wouldn't it be nice to have a freeze button? Or maybe have a bit of Tarzan in all of us to say "OK, Birds... stay still for two seconds".
A Common sight in our back yard! Love the clarity of the Male on the left, too bad about the female on the right being out of focus due to movement. I have to agree with the above comment that this could benefit from a bit of a straitening due to the symmetry of the photograph!

All together though, I like the concept and wish I could get the male and female on our feeder at the same time!

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