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DSLR upgrade to 7D and lens question


TPF Noob!
Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
Southern CA
hi everyone. I'm new to DSLRs and i'm hoping that after the crazy days browsing and getting more info than i can ever want to repeat I'm making the best choice. I'm new to photography but want to mainly get into some video projects - shooting shorts and doing some editing. However, I want to take some photography classes. I am thinking this is the best investment. I inherited an old FinePix S1 Pro and it got me wanting to learn more but it is slow and not a fancy thing anymore- however, i am confused as to the lenses I have and how they would work on a 7d- i think these lenses work on full frame cameras like the 5D ii but i'm not sure I can afford that- do you guys think the 7D is a good choice and something I can hold for a while? I am a techie and Macgyver type so i'm looking foward to some fun. Ok, the lenses I have now are:
(Tamron AF Aspherical XR (LD)[IF] 28-300mm 1:3.5-6.3 Macro )
(Tamron SP AF Aspherical (LD)[IF] 17-35mm 1:2.8-4 )
I believe i would need an adapter so i can use it on the 7D and i wouln't get all the features like autofocus- but i would be able to set the aperture on the ring these have. Also, taking into account that I want to keep these, what would be a good lens to get with the 7d, i'm guessing i should have one that does get full advantage of the camera- i see they sell it with a lens- saw a couple of options on amazon- (also, B&H has it at about same price because of deal that expires today ) any tips and info on what i have here with these lenses would be much apreciated.. tahnks and I look forward to this adventure.
It sounds like you are more interested with Video. You should find other forum that focuses more on video DSLR. Those video guys love older lenses and Zeiss lenses. Usually video guys dont worry about the auto focus feature. They also want a good focusing ring (not those tiny plastic ones on kit lens). Some lenses are also very noisy even when you turn the focus manually. I think 600D, 60D, 7D, 5DII are all good choices for videos. Not sure about those two lenses. I am sure if you find the right forum, they can help you.
Sorry, i guess i'll look for another website. I just wanted to know more about the lenses and compatibility - with the camera regardless of video or stills. I will look for a good lens with good focusing and more quite rings - and I did order the camera and will just keep learning about lenses.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the S1 Pro used a Nikon lens mount system. So your Tamron lenses would likely have a Nikon mount on them...so they would indeed need an adapter to be used on a camera Camera. Might have been a better idea to get a Nikon body (if those lenses do indeed have a Nikon mount).

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