Ducks and sunset, C&C please


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2010
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Story: These ducks were very close to where I wanted to be, but I scared them away when walking about 1/4 mph toward them. I waited 30 minutes, and they were nearly back to where I was (thanks to having food for them). Just then, a fishing boat goes roaring by and scares them. I got a few of them flying away, and cropped #3.

#1 (Is it just me, or is nothing in focus in this one?)


The first one you definitely missed focus. Second & third should be straightened a bit, especially the third one. The second one I would have like to see more DOF, but what you've got isn't to bad. Third one may work for me in colour. I just say that because I've never been a big B&W fan. Others I'm sure would disagree with me.
Thanks for the advice.

Here's a little fix:


I'm going to try the first shot again this evening.
Thanks for the suggestions. :)

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