Finn Slough


TPF Noob!
May 19, 2007
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Pronouced "Fin Slew", this is waterfront settlement in Richmond. Situated at Finn and 4 Road, this little fishing community was threatened with tear down about a year ago. The residents are still negotiating with the courts over their claims on the property. The Finnish families have lived on these boat/stilt houses on an inlet coming in from the Fraser River ever since 1905. Originally their ancestors settled on Lulu Island (1890's) and Woodward Slough, but Woodward Slough was dammed. (1905) Around 50 people still live on these old wooden houses, some of them over a century old!



Nice series and thanks for the bio
I like the third one most. All are colorful and moody at the same time.
i like the color, they do feel a bit under exposed
I like the third one most. All are colorful and moody at the same time.

Thank you.

i like the color, they do feel a bit under exposed

Thanks. I also noticed the exposure part. Because of the sky, I was shooting at EV -1. It was either get a dark-ish foreground and a good sky, or a blown out sky and a blown out foreground. I think I'm going to start experimenting with layering photos...

Anyone else?
Sounds like a photojournalism project to me. Way back in the stone age I studied urban geography at university, and I've retained an interest in communities and how they change. There is clearly a great story here, but in the 21st century you have to wonder how long this place will continue to look the way it does now.

I like the composition in number 3, and in fact I wonder if it would be even better cropped exactly square. The lack of midtones lets it down, but it looks like it was some time after sunset and there wasn't much you could do about it (in an ideal world you would have had a graduated neutral density filter handy, to balance the sky and foreground, but of course it isn't an ideal world...).

Good series. Go back, take more!
The lack of midtones lets it down, but it looks like it was some time after sunset and there wasn't much you could do about it (in an ideal world you would have had a graduated neutral density filter handy, to balance the sky and foreground, but of course it isn't an ideal world...).

Good series. Go back, take more!

Funny, that. It was just after sunset actually. I had originally planned to go at sunrise because of the position of the inlet. I even took the time to set my cell phone to alarm. (and I hid it too, under a bunch of aquariums. I find the longer it takes me to find/retrieve/turn it off, the more awake I am :D ) Unfortunately it was cloudy and overcast...

So my dad (way back when, he used to shoot with a film SLR) and I were going to go take pictures at sunset, we wanted before and after shots. But then my MOM decided she wanted to come see the sunset too... and she had to get ready. Needless to say, we were late. :lmao:

I will definitely go back and take more, I'll wait until summer when there won't be fog in the mornings, and I will try a square crop.

The steam rising off the water ? That can add alot to a photo
The steam rising off the water ? That can add alot to a photo

Except that in Richmond, it doesn't "rise." It just sort of... dissipates. To get a really good photo, you need to have killer light, and a high "perch." Those two things are hard to find!
For 2, I shot at EV -1 in-camera.

I boosted saturation of blue to about 70%, red to about 50%.

I added both highlights and shadows, and boosted contrast.

I had blown out the sky, so I dimmed and darkened that.

It took about 10 minutes.

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