First Attempt at HDR


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 25, 2012
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I know that the composition is not very interesting, but I would like some feedback regarding the processing of the image.
Purely from a HDR perspective, the processing is good; it looks very natural with no blown highlights and no plugged shadows. Exposure-wise, detail appears to be preserved, which is the technical goal of the HDR process. I can't tell if the brighter portion of sky at the right is processing-related (e.g., halo) or not. Also, assuming you used several frames, ghosting is apparent in the water and the foliage. This is unfortunate because one of the nicest aspects of HDR is the ability to resolve texture, which is almost completely lost due to the ghosting. Perhaps I'm wrong and an uncompressed file would look nicer.

Just by way of general advice, this particular composition might have been better shot in one exposure under more favorable lighting conditions and with a polarizing filter to darken the sky.
It's not the BEST scene to use for HDR in my opinion. Maybe if there was a little more sky framed in it would work better, but as it is now I feel that you could achieve the same look from a single shot in photoshop.

But at least you kept it natural and not acidy. Good start, now try it on a better scene!
I just edited one exposure and it looks significantly better. Thanks for the responses.

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